We Provide Best Customer Service

When we provide a service for you, it’s not simply a solution but a proof of our teamwork, ethics, knowledge,
experience, dedication and creativity. Choosing our service is your choice, but we don’t
compromise in providing you with the best .

Cloud Computing

Analysis, Design and Orchestration of the Infrastructure in all the reputed platform like AWS, Azure, Google ...

App Development

Developments of reliable and secure Web and mobile applications (Android and iOS) with latest technologies.

Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration Framework for multi-cloud with best practices from thousands of data transformation projects.

Managed Services

24/7 Monitoring with suitable tools, Automated Health check reports, Easy Backup and Restoration strategies.

Block Chain & AI

Booming Next-Gen technologies, Blockchain, Artificial intelligence with all features of IOT and cybersecurity.

Cyber Security

Automated and professional cybersecurity services assuring optimum security of your apps.


Why Choose Us

Build a smoother life with our great team.
  • 01. Full Time Support We have a team with 24/7 support for any concerns of clients.
  • 02. Get Professional Services We have a team of talented and creative professionals who can deliver your products implemented with latest technologies and possibilities.
  • 03. Faster, Quality & Trusted Zoftcares never compromise on quality of the product and service we provide, and that reaches you on time.
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Who we are ?

“People will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.”

Zoftcares is a team of assertive, ambitious, creative professionals to serve you with top quality and standard services for your needs.

Quality is the key word that runs through our organization- that’s what lets us handle every project with fresh energy and enthusiasm.

OUR success stories

"Free software is software that respects your freedom and the social solidarity of
your community. So it's free as in freedom."
Richard Stallman


Our Recent Blogs & Activities

The first step in blogging is not writing them but reading them. Have a look at our gallery
of blogs and activities. There is really something for you to learn and explore!

“Seamless Ticketing: Unveiling ZoftCeler – An Innovative Ticketing System with Advanced Incident Resolution”

“Seamless Ticketing: Unveiling ZoftCeler – An Innovative Ticketing System with Advanced Incident Resolution”

“In today’s business realm, resolving issues promptly is vital for keeping things running smoothly and ...
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Next.js 13 Features and Updates | Zoftcares solutions

Next.js 13: New Features and Updates

Next.js 13: New Features and Updates

Next.js, the popular React framework, has recently released its latest stable version, Next.js 13. This ...
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What is ChatGPT | Zoftcares solutions

Unlock Your Business Ideas with ChatGPT

Unlock Your Business Ideas with ChatGPT

What is ChatGPT ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. It is ...
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