Over view
Koha is an open source integrated library system (ILS), used world-wide by public, school and special libraries.
Installation of Koha is quite easy and simple you can install Koha on your Local Machine or a Virtual Machine / Cloud / Compute Engine, I recommend using a minimum of 4 Gb RAM based machine / virtual setup.
Procedures for installing KOHA in Moodle Serve
1. ssh to your server
2. Add the Koha GPG Key
- apt update
- wget -q -O- https://debian.koha-community.org/koha/gpg.asc I sudo apt-key add
- sudo apt-get update
3. Add the Koha community repository to your sources.
Pick what version of Koha you want. You can either follow by codename (version number), or by suite Here installing oldstable;
- echo 'deb http://debian.koha-community.org/koha oldstable main' I sudo tee letc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list
4.Then update the server
- sudo apt-get update
5. lnstall the latest Koha Release.
- sudo apt-get install koha-common
6. Enable the Apache mode and rewrite modules.
- sudo a2enmod rewrite
- sudo a2enmod cgi
- sudo service apache2 restart
7. Moodle site is running In nginx in port SO _ So that we want to change port of apache and also add admin and staffurl accessing ports 8081 and 8082
- nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
- Listen 8080 ( here changing apache listening port to 8080)
- Listen 8081 (add this port for accessing library admin URL)
- Listen 8082 (add this for accessing library staffURL)
8.To point koha site to a domain:
- Create a subdomain. Eg kohatest.infrasruct.in
- Then open:
- nano/etc/koha/koha-sites.conf
9. Create the Library Instance.
Replace librarynew with the name ofyour library .
- sudo koha-create —create-db payyannurlibrary
10. Configure your server for a name-based installation.
- sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/librarynew
11. Change virtual host ports to 8081 and 8082
- VirtualHost*:80>
12. For changing koha db password
- Mysql -u root -p
13.To set password for kohalibrary:
- Set password for'koha librarynew'@'localhost'=password('koha123');
- Flush privileges;
14.Then type the below command in terminal .
- nano /etc/koha/sites/librarynew/koha-conf.xml
15. Complete the web setup.
To complete Koha’s web setup, you will need your admin username and password. My instance is called librarynew so my username is koha librarynew (ifyour instance is called library; your usemame will be koha library) etc.
Open a web browser and go to your staff url kohatest.infrasruct.in:8081
16.Then follow the below link for further installation steps:
Shifna P C
Senior Administrator